Friday, January 25, 2008

Slow day

There is not too much to talk about today. Somewhat slow. I went out to eat at Posados, a Mexican restaurant for dinner. I went with my wife and some friends of ours. It was nice that they paid for dinner. Afterwards we went over to their house to watch a funny movie, The Singles 2ed ward.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Google Adsence and a broken truck

Its been a long day. I have the site up and running. It is limited but users can create accounts and they can add skills. I only have three or four skill options at this time. I need to come up with a good list. If you have ideas, please, share. The bad thing is that I sit at my day job thinking about the website. Tomorrow I should be able to get the My skills section working. That or I might work on the point system.
Now that I have setup Google AdSense for this blog and, I realize how important those annoying web ads are. Each time a user clicks on an ad the website earns money. I have start looking for ads that I am interested in and have started clicking on them (not on my websites, but new site I visit). It is a way to support the site and who knows, I might find something I like. Happy Clicking.
My truck suck. The last two days I have had to pull over on the side of the road because the diesel was too cold and the engine lost power. Ford F-350 ‘1997 for sale!
One last thing. Check out this article about Sears.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Setting a goal

Good morning world. I missed out on writing yesterday. I remembered several times but didn’t take the time. I will try better. You know it takes 21 days to make a habit. I guess that should be my first goal. It is now my goal to write every day for 21 days. You can hold me to it.
I have spent a few hours over the last two days working on I started building the quiz section last night. I didn’t get too far because I got distracted by a mediocre episode of Law and Order SVU. I am contemplating separating out the quiz questions into their own table. Currently, the questions are in the same table as the class section. I hope to have the basic structure up on Saturday evening. I can’t wait. Then I need to start figuring out what I want the page style to look like.
Did you hear? Fred Thompson is out. Where do his voters go in Florida? I am predicting that they go mostly to Mitt Romney. I’m not being bias, my views are based on the Jan 21, 2008 Rassussen poll.
It says that Romney is the most likely to pick up the undecided. Think about it. If you are undecided you must not like Giuliani very much. He has been campaigning there for months. You also cant be too big of a McCain fan either, he is not a very strong conservative. That leave Romney who has momentum.
Have a great day!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 1

In starting this blog I have several subjects I to cover. First, I love politics. I have my own views, but don’t feel you can read this is your views differ. I believe I can learn something from everyone. Second, I am starting a new website called The purpose of the website it to provide a how to do encyclopedia verses the very popular know about websites like I will be discussing my strategies to make the website successful, successful in revenue and visits. I believe in education and want to provide a place where anyone can learn and be recognized for their knowledge. Third, I consider myself a hobby jumper. I define this as jumping from one hobby to another, learning as much as I can in between. Lastly, I may sometime cover miscellaneous thoughts and ideas like my favorite restaurant, a hard day or quantum theory (yes I find it fascinating).

This 2008 republican primary election season is turning out to be interesting. We have Rudy who seems to have more skeletons in his closet then Dracula. He was running high in the polls and favored to win (in some circles). Now he is struggling to win in Florida where it seems this New York constituency spend the primary election season. Then we have Thompson who hasn’t been able to pull in the votes or execute and effective campaign. I was too young to remember Nixon as President, but maybe he was right to call Thompson dumb. It seems there is a large group of new men that believe McCain is too old. Although it my be true, shouldn’t they be focusing on the fact that he is a liberal in a republicans race. Last, and my favorite, Mitt Romney is leading the pack. He is seems to be using his years of experience turning around business to turn around his campaign. After second place in Iowa and New Hampshire, he has now won in Wyoming, Michigan and Nevada (this is pronounced nə-ˈva-də) . It’s still too early to tell who will win but I am pulling for Romney. Coming soon! My first ideas about the website came to me as I was laying in bed late one night. I had been thinking for some time about creating a website / web 2.0 / web application that I could create. I wanted an idea that fit me, my like and dislikes. Laying there in bed it came to me. I love to learn new things, whether it’s changing the oil in my truck or laying tile or one of D.A. Benton’s 22 vital traits. Why don’t I create a website where everyone can learn a new skill and share their skills with others? It would need to have static and multimedia that gives people the opportunity to learn by reading, seeing and doing. I also wanted to include a way for learners to test their new knowledge and be ranked against other users according to their skill levels. To make the site work I also need to get users to contribute their knowledge. I have several ideas about this but I am still working on it. At this point, I have coded about 50% of the project. I am using in c#. I am also using MySQL as the database. This has been a challenge. MySQL .Net plug-in is not fully functional yet. Gurrr, this has caused more than one headache. I will hopefully have the website online and mostly functional January 26, 2008.