Friday, October 24, 2008

700 Families foreclose each day in So. California

I found this very good video news report yesterday watching the News Hour. I was surprised by what people leave behind when they leave a foreclosed home. Some people leave everything and just walk out the door. Very sad but informative. Watch the video.

Click to view the video

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ron Paul on the bailout plan

Click to see Ron Pauls thoughts on the recent bail out plan.

I love the line, "if printing more money solved everyone's problems then why work. We could just print money"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Survivor - the TV Show

I am a fan of Survivor and although I have skipped a few show hear and there I mostly follow it. I found this article about what happens behind the camera and wanted to share it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Titanic (Global Economy) and deck chairs

This is a great blog post from Silvia Wadhwa. It's best if you read down to the video clip, start the video clip and continue reading as it plays.